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School of Physiotherapy, Pune

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World Physiotherapy Day : 08/09/22

World Physiotherapy Day : 08/09/22

On the occasion of “World Physiotherapy Day- 2022” School of Physiotherapy, Pune conducted a successful public awareness rally. Principal Dr. Swati Bhise ma’am inaugurated the rally by raising flag. Rally initiated from the college ground in front of School of Physiotherapy building. Rally continued for 2 kilometers around the campus. Rally stopped at various locations around the Bharati hospital campus where first year students performed Flash mob and street play for creating awareness about physiotherapy., It was first performed at the back gate of Bharati Vidyapeeth Campus, second at the Chandrabhaga nagar, third at Katraj Dairy and finally in front of Emergency Department of Bharati Hospital.

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Guest Lecture on Stress Management : 07/09/22

Guest Lecture on Stress Management : 07/09/22

Guest lecture on “Stress Management” was organized for students and faculty members of School of Physiotherapy, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune in continuing the celebration of “World Physiotherapy Day” that falls on 8th September every year. Session started with felicitation of BK Dr. Smita at the hands of Principal Dr. Swati Bhise Madam. Brahmakumari Dr. Smita is a Raj Yoga Meditation Teacher and Management Trainer at Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Pune. She highlighted the importance of identifying our own stress and its management through simple meditation techniques. She also gave demonstration of small meditation techniques which make great help in relieving stress.

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Debate Competition : 07/09/22

Debate Competition : 07/09/22

On the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day School of Physiotherapy Conducted Debate Competition for Students. The competition started at 2 pm in yoga lab. Dr. Asmita Phadake and Sereen Thomas graced this competition by their presence as judges. Introduction of judges was done by Dr.Ketaki Kulkarni and felicitation was done by Dr. Swati Bhise and Dr. Neeraj Athawale. The event was hosted by the volunteers of competition Sakshi Tawaskar and Yukti Agrawal (First BPTh students). There were four teams named Peaceful Arguments, Statement Pacemaker, Arguably Perfect, and Calm Minders. Total there were 20 participants, 5 in each team.

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Guest Lecture on "Positive Body Language for Professionals" : 06/09/22

Guest Lecture on "Positive Body Language for Professionals" : 06/09/22

On the occasion of “World Physiotherapy Day (8th September)” Bharati Vidyapeeth School of physiotherapy, Pune has organized Guest lecture on “Positive Body Language for Professionals” by Prof. Mr. Maharudra Kapse from Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology. Professor Kapse enlightened about different ways of effective verbal & nonverbal communication. He briefed about how to Read & Influence people through nonverbal communication.

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Extempore Competition : 06/09/22

Extempore Competition : 06/09/22

On the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day, Bharati Vidyapeeth, School Of Physiotherapy organized an ‘Extempore Speech Competition’ for students of First year BPTh. Dr.Chaya Deshmukh ma’am from department of gynecology and Obstetrics and Mrs.Supriya Kadam ma’am from College of Physical Education graced the occasion as Judges for the Extempore competition. Competition started at 2 pm sharp. Introduction of Judges was done by Dr. Janhavi Atre and their felicitation was done by Principal Dr.Swati Bhise ma’am.Total 12 students participated in the competition and gave an extempore speech on topics like India after COVID, IT-boon or bane,Importance of Kindness,Bullying in colleges,etc.Students spoke really well on all topics and received applause from the audiences. Miss Disha Shinde was announced as the Best Speaker by the Judges.All the participants received participation certificates. The event was co-ordinated by Dr.Janhavi Atre and Dr. Ketaki Kulkarni.

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Camp : 05/09/22

Camp : 05/09/22

On the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day, Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Physiotherapy, Pune had organized Free Health Check-up Camp in collaboration with Department of Medicine and Department of Orthopedics on 5th September 2022.

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Induction Program : 02/09/22

Induction Program : 02/09/22

Induction Program of 2022 batch was conducted in Medical College Auditorium on 2nd September 2022 in presence of Hon. Asmita Tai Jagtap. Dr. Ruchita Killedar welcomed all the dignitaries. Honourable chief guest and all the dignitaries on the dais lightened lamps and paid respects to Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam. Dr. Swati Bhise addressed the gathering in her welcome speech. Hon. Dr. Asmita Tai Jagtap in her speech highlighted the importance of Mental Health in today’s fast and stressful life. She said, student life is very beautiful; students should enjoy it to the fullest. Bharati Vidyapeeth is a centre to bring out leaders and not just ordinary professionals.

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World Health Day : 07/04/22

‘WORLD HEALTH DAY’ – ‘Our Planet Our Health’ : 7th April 2022

Glad to share with you that, School of Physiotherapy have celebrated ‘World Health Day’ - Our Planet Our Health, by conducting fitness activities at different BVDU Health Sciences units from (30th March to 6th April 2022). With aim and Objectives of: To create awareness and orientation about Fitness among all staff members of BV Health Sciences.

Fitness session was conducted in Homeopathy, Ayurveda College, and Nursing College for all staff members (30 min) including ‘Warm up, Stretching, Aerobic fitness, Strengthening to Abdominals and Back extensors, Cool Down’ and Yoga.

No. Of Participants were 94. All staff members have enthusiastically participated in the session. Thank you for permitting to conduct the session and cooperation from the health sciences unit without which this Programme would not have possible. This event was coordinated by Dr. Ketaki Kulkarni. The findings are as follows.

Pre session all participants ask to fill one health related questioner,

  1. Most of the participants have sitting and standing type of job type.
  2. 53% people have pain and discomfort during work
  3. 77% people regularly performs exercise , 23 % not doing any form of exercises
  4. 88 % willing for regular exercise.


Exercise Demonstration for School Children : 23/03/22

Exercise Demonstration for School Children

  • Date: 23/03/2022
  • Venue: Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Vidyamandir, BVDU, Pune
  • Resource person: Dr. Neeraj Athavale & Dr. Rucha Pande
  • Participants: Students and Parents

On account of Amrit Mahotsav of Independence Day of India, BVDU Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Vidyamandir and Junior College successfully conducted a one-day free health check-up camp on 25/02/2022 in association with Bharati hospital foundation and School of Physiotherapy, Pune.

Students who have musculoskeletal & neurological issues were listed during the camp.

On 23rd March 20220 Counselling Session was organized for Students and Parents. Dr. Neeraj Athavale (Associate Professor) and Dr. Rucha Pande (Assistant Professor) have given lecture on importance of Physiotherapy exercises, postural correction and importance of fitness. Also Exercise demonstration for posture correction, balance training, flat feet, obesity, grip strength & hand writing improvement were given. Students & their parents were guided individually.

Exercise demonstration and Fitness session was conducted at BVDU Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Vidyamandir. 25 students along with their parents were attended the session.

The session was useful for all. Parents were happy.


International Women’s Day : 08/03/22

International Women’s Day

  • Date: 8th March 2021
  • Venue: Conference Hall, Bharati Hospital, Pune.
  • Attendee: Staff and Students of School of Physiotherapy
  • Time: 2 pm to 3.30 pm

On occasion of International Women’s Day, School of Physiotherapy, BVDU organized a guest lecture on “Legal Rights of Women in India” for students and staff members. Dr. Anisa Shaikh, Assistant Professor, Bharati New College; was invited as a resource person.

Guest speaker was heartily welcomed by Principal Dr. Swati Bhise. Dr. Anisa Shaikh has a rich experience of fifteen years in the field of law. She explained all the rights of women along with their limitations and the responsibilities that come along. After the lecture, students were given time to interact with the guest speaker where students cleared their doubts. Dr. Vaishnavi Malthankar proposed vote of thanks. High tea was arranged for the guest and staff members. The event was coordinated by Dr. Ruchita Killedar.


Museum Visit : 25/02/22

Visit to Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam Saheb Golden Jublee Museum, Pune

  • Venue: Bharati Vidyapeeth Dhanakwadi Campus, Pune
  • Date: Tuesday, 22/02/2022
  • Time: 2:30 to 4 pm
  • Attendees: Staff and First year B.P.Th students - (Total 62)

Organized by School of Physiotherapy, coordinated by Dr. Neeraj Athavale

All staff and students were reached the venue at 2:20 pm. Then the brief orientation about the life of Hon’ble Saheb & his great contribution to the society was introduced & presented through videos and films by Dr. Veerdhaval Ghorpade. After that all students & staff proceeded for the museum visit with Dr. Sachin Dharane.

The visit was very fruitful and motivating to the students. The concept of establishment of Museum is simply amazing. We all were mesmerized by the incredible journey of Honorable Saheb. The whole journey of Hon’ble Saheb is very Inspiring & Motivational. Also special mention to commendable presentation & maintenance of the Museum.

The visit over by 4 pm.


Induction Program : 12/01/22

Induction Program for Ist Year BPTH Students of School of Physiotherapy, Pune

  • Date: 5th Jan 2022, at 11.30 am
  • Venue: Medical College Auditorium, Dhanakawadi Capus, Pune.

  • Induction & orientation program for first year BPTh students & their parents was organized by School of Physiotherapy, Pune .
  • Introduction and hosting of the program for the First session was done by Dr. Chetana Kunde (Associate Professor, Neuroscience dept). Welcome speech was given by Dr. Swati Bhise, Principal of School of Physiotherapy.
  • The program preceded by Felicitation of Chief Guest Vice Chancellor Dr. Manikrao Salunkhe sir, Registrar Mr. G. Jaykumar sir, Medical Director Dr. Sanjay Lalwani sir, Deputy Medical Director Brig. A. K. Verma sir and all the dignitaries who graced the event followed by lamp lightening.
  • Vote of thanks given by DR. Ruchita Killedar. All Principals and HODs from other institutions from campus were graced the event.
  • Second session of the Induction Program started at 1PM with the felicitation of Brig. Dr. A. K. Verma sir. He gave the complete information & orientation about the Campus & Hospital and Facilities provided by the hospital.
  • Dr. Swati Bhise, Principal, enlightened the students about the course. Dr. Chetana Kunde introduced all the Academic faculties of School of Physiotherapy. Dr. Neeraj Athavale (Associate Professor, Dept. of Musculoskeletal sciences) briefed about the Code of conduct, Curriculum of the studies, academic calendar, general guidelines, Rules& regulations of the college and the campus.
  • Total 56 students and their parents had attended the Induction Program.


COPD Day : 25/11/21

World COPD Day 2021

  • Day: 17th November - 25th November 2021
  • Venue: Department of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Department of Anaesthesia and Department of Orthopaedics, Bharati Hospital, Pune

On occasion of World COPD day, Department of Physiotherapy Bharati Hospital Pune in collaboration with Department of Respiratory Medicine organised sensitization program for medical faculty members to screen patients preoperatively so as to decrease complications post operatively and reduce hospital length of stay. In this program Dr. Ruchita Killedar, Assistant Professor and Dr. Priyasha Patwardhan, Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapist delivered talks about the early detection of COPD in Department of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Department of Anaesthesia and Department of Orthopaedics.


Diabetes Day Camp : 25/11/21

Diabetes Camp

  • Date: 24th Nov 2021
  • Venue: Bharati Hospital, Pune.

A multidisciplinary camp for Diabetic patients was organized by Department of Medicine on 24th November 2021 at Bharati Hospital and Research Center, Pune. In This camp there was Faculty members from Department of Medicine, Department of Nutrition and Department of Physiotherapy. Ten patients were screened and exercise prescription was given to them according to their age, mode of work, baseline heart rate, HbA1C, and blood sugar levels.


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