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School of Physiotherapy, Pune

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Scope of Physiotherapy

If you are interested in preventing and curing physical dysfunctions in patients, then career in Physiotherapy is the right choice for you. No doubt that the rise of industrialization and mechanization has resulted in the increase in demand and scope of Physiotherapy in India and abroad.

A Physiotherapist (also known as a Physical Therapist) is a very important member of the healthcare team where his responsibility is to rehabilitate patients back to normal without medicines by the use of exercise, manual therapy, rehabilitation techniques and physical activity. A physical therapists job involves helping patients to recover and/or rehabilitate from a state of having been incapacitated from neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, sports, geriatrics, oncology impairments among others. He/she has the responsibility to help restore the patient’s body to its optimal functioning level. They are also key health professionals in the prevention of injuries including on-field sports injuries, and treat the reactions and responses of the body to injury, disease or abnormalities in development.

Scope after B.P.T (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)

A Physiotherapy student has an option to pursue higher education after BPT and can also specialize in the field of Physiotherapy. BPT graduates are also eligible for courses like hospital administration, business management, public health management & various other postgraduate programs. The normal pay package for a Physiotherapist working in a hospital starts with a minimum Rs. 5-6 lakhs per annum. With experience, remuneration increases depending on the work output and the type of organization he/she is working in.

Role and Responsibility of a Physiotherapist in the Health Sector Include:

Physiotherapy is a very promising, rewarding and a satisfactory profession as paramedical science has a larger role & responsibility in a hospital scenario. After clearing the licensing examination of a given country, it opens up wide opportunities for the physiotherapists in the health industry.

  • Prescribing remedial exercises
  • Muscle strength evaluation & quantification
  • Physical treatment by electrotherapy modalities like diathermy, ultrasonic therapy, contrast bath, cryotherapy, hydrocollator, whirlpool therapy, trans-electric muscle stimulation, infra-red therapy, ultraviolet therapy etc and also different therapeutic exercises by automated machines.
  • Evaluating balance in neurologically affected patients.
  • Apply manual therapy, mobilization, manipulation of soft tissue techniques etc.
  • Wheelchair and gait training with or without ambulatory aids.
  • Aid in-home evaluation to make the environment barrier-free and accessible.
  • Improving the status of patients with cardiopulmonary dysfunction.

Career Options in Physiotherapy

  • Consultant Physiotherapist in Multi-specialty Hospitals, Health Care Centers, NGOs
  • Corporate Physiotherapist in MNCs
  • Health Care Physiotherapy Instructor in Modern Gymnasiums
  • Ergonomic Care Advisor
  • Physiotherapist in Special Schools for Physically Challenged Children
  • Physiotherapist in Old Age Residential Homes
  • Sports Physiotherapists along with Sports Associations, Sports Team, individually hired physiotherapists by elite athletes
  • Entrepreneurs in Rehabilitation Centers/ Organizations
  • Private Practitioners running Private Physiotherapy Practice

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