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School of Physiotherapy, Pune

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  1. Curricular aspects
    1. Curriculum committee of IQAC
    2. MEU
    3. Academic committee of IQAC
  2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
    1. Academic committee of IQAC
  3. Research innovations and extensions
    1. Central research and publication unit
    2. MOU advisory committee
    3. Staff research and CPC committee
    4. Institutional innovation cell committee
  4. Infrastructure and learning resources
    1. Library committee
    2. Hostel welfare committee
    3. Inventory and condemnation committee
    4. Purchase feasibility committee
  5. Student support and progression
    1. Student council
    2. Sports and extra curricular committee
    3. Prevention of ragging
    4. Prevention of sexual harassment
    5. Career advancement and placement guidance (CAPG) cell
  6. Governance leadership and management
    1. College council
    2. Grievance redressal committee students
    3. Patient/hospital grievance hospital cell
    4. Staff grievance cell
    5. Purchase feasibility committee
    6. Prevention of ragging
    7. Campus committee
  7. Institutional values and best practices
    1. Patient/hospital grievance redressal cell
    2. Covid convalescent plasma use task force
  8. IQAC Meetings
    1. IQAC Meeting 22 Feb 2023
    2. IQAC 25 July 2023

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